martes, junio 11, 2013

U.S. Has Given Afghan Army More than $1 Billion in Ammo

A new oversight report from the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction shows that the U.S. government has provided the Afghanistan National Army (ANA) over $1 billion worth of U.S. taxpayer funded ammunition.

The actual number is $1.03 billion; this cost is in addition to the $288 million in ammunition that the U.S. has also provided to the Afghan National Police (ANP).
In addition to bullets for both the ANA and the ANP, the U.S. has spent $3.4 billion for "equipment and transportation" for the ANP alone. Of this, $366,079,788 was used for weapon purchases, while over $2.6 billion was used for transportation purchases.
U.S. taxpayers have funded nearly $900 million worth of weapons purchases for the ANA as well.

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