jueves, junio 27, 2013

“So Che Guevara’s murdering innocent Cubans?’ “I’ll drink to dat! Let’s go WATCH!” (whooped Ernest Hemingway)

Babalú Blog
By Humberto Fontova

“There's something you should see,” Hemingway told Plimpton while preparing a shaker of drinks for the outing....they got in the car with a few others and drove some way out of town. They got out, set up chairs and took out the drinks, as if they were going to watch the sunset. Soon, a truck arrived. This, explained George, was what they'd been waiting for. It came, as Hemingway knew the same time each day. It stopped and some men with guns got out of it. In the back were a couple of dozen others who were tied up. Prisoners.
The men with guns hustled the others out of the back of the truck, and lined them up.--FUEGO!!!-- Then they shot them. They put the bodies back into the truck.”
From the BLOCKBUSTER(!!!) forthcoming book, The Longest Romance. The meticulous documentation proving Hemingway's drunken celebration of Che's firing squad massacres passed full muster with the legal dept. of the publishers of books by Thomas Sowell, Victor Davis Hanson, David Horowitz, John Bolton, Andrew McCarthy, Jean Francois-Revel, Robert Bork, among many other conservative superstars.

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