viernes, junio 21, 2013

Oliver Stone Prepping Hugo Chavez Film

Far-left filmmaker Oliver Stone is mourning the loss of late Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez as only the director can. He's making a movie about the failed socialist leader.

Chavez, who died earlier this year after a long battle with cancer, will be the subject of Stone's next film, according to AFP.
Oliver Stone is making a very beautiful film about our commander Hugo Chavez... that he will likely finish in the next months," [President Nicolas] Maduro said on Thursday, at an event in the northwestern state of Lara....
Maduro said that one of Stone's producers informed him about the film while on an official trip in Paris.
Stone previously filmed South of the Border, a 2009 documentary fawning over not only Chavez but fellow leftist leaders like Chavez, Evo Morales (Bolivia) and Rafael Correa (Ecuador).

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