jueves, junio 06, 2013

Cuba “Expert” and Florida voter-ballot “Expert” — been ‘hangin together!

Congressman Joe Garcia and Raul Castro's nephew-in-law Arturo Lopez-Callejas ("Artie Levy to you!"-- also known as "The Castro Family's Fredo") 'hangin in Washington last Feb.
"This past 25th through the 27th of February 2013, CAFE, Cuban Americans for Engagement, held a trip to Washington D.C. to meet with different officials and legislators of the U.S. Federal government...our group was received by three members of Congress, Sam Farr (D-CA), Joe Garcia (D-FL), and by Jim McGovern (D-MA). In the executive branch we were received by the U.S. State Department. Apart from these visits we met with two prominent analysts of U.S.-Cuba relations. Peter Kornbluh, a principal analyst at the National Security Archives at George Washington University, and Wayne Smith...We also visited the Cuban Interest Section and met with Ambassador Jose Ramon Cabañas and other members of the Cuban office in Washington."
Question: if Jose Ramon Cabanas is prevented by Federal law from traveling more than 25 miles from his spying-headquarters (Cuban Interest section office) why are Peter Kornbluh and Wayne Smith (and Lopez-Callejas) allowed to roam freely from sea to shining sea?

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