jueves, mayo 23, 2013

Venezuela Talk-Show Host Who Revealed Infighting Among Chavistas Takes ‘Leave of Absence’ in Cuba

A popular pro-Venezuelan government television talk show host took leave of absence alleging ‘medical reasons’ for a few days following the release on Monday of a recording where he can be heard talking with a Cuban intelligence officer about the ‘sea of shit’ which is drowning Chavismo because of internal infighting and corruption.
(MercoPress) The fact that Mario Silva has decided to be absent from the talk show and has flown to Cuba, “is clear indication that the recording, despite official rejection of its contents, is true”, said Venezuelan political analyst Carlos Romero. Silva and his talk show ‘La Hojilla’ which was one of the favorites of the deceased Chavez who usually would participate making official announcements said as a first reaction that the recording was a ‘drag’ but later announced he had a “vesicle sac complication’ to be treated in Cuba and thus would be absent for ‘several days.’
“Silva’s exit means he has to hide, following the release of a recording which has him involved with Cuban intelligence with non-polite words towards the current situation in the Chavista government”, added Romero. “There is no doubt it is his voice in the audio” said Romero although what he revealed and commented to the Cuban intelligence officer Aramis Palacio is nothing new, it’s an open secret in Venezuela.”
Romero said that following the death of Chavez, the government and the ruling party has been lost as to where they are heading “so there is an accumulation of problems, rivalries, and lack of unity which was evident from the aired recording.” “This is also regrettable because it exposed how low the political debate in this country has fallen”, added the political analyst.
The recording was presented by the Venezuelan opposition and the officer to whom Silva is talking is an advisor to the Military House of the Executive and recognized as head of the Cuban intelligence services in Venezuela. The 50 minutes recording that can be seen and heard in different internet sites contains a long list of complaints about the “sea of shit” in which Chavismo is submerged because of corruption and the furious battle for control of government by several of its leaders, according to Silva.
Silva, a radical supporter of the Chavez legacy said he was at disposal of the government and “if I must immolate myself, I will do so.” The talk show host who had conducted the program for the last nine years said he willingly will hand the space to the government and if “I must face trial, I will willingly.” Diosdado Cabello, a former military officer and president of the National Assembly, repeatedly named in the recording as a ‘conspirator’ disputing power from President Maduro, and allegedly involved in foreign currency trafficking, described the tape as ‘fascist plot’ and an attempt by the organized opposition to bring down the government of Maduro.

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