martes, mayo 21, 2013

Unhappy Italian climbs onto dome of St Peter’s in protest - again


Andreas Solaro / AFP - Getty Images
Italian businessman Marcello De Finizio stands on the dome
of St Peter's basilica to protest against austerity measures on
May 21, 2013 at the Vatican.
A man climbed onto a ledge on the dome of St Peter's Basilica on Monday and unfurled a banner protesting against a "political horror show," an apparent reference to Italy's embattled coalition struggling with recession and high unemployment.
Identified by police as Marcello Di Finizio, the man unfurled a white banner reading "Stop this massacre!" in English, scrawled in black and red ink, with "Help us Pope Francis" in Italian.
Di Finizio, who was still on the ledge on Tuesday, has staged similar protests in the past. Last October he stayed overnight on the dome with a banner criticizing multinationals, Europe, and former Prime Minister Mario Monti. Read the full story.

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