jueves, mayo 09, 2013

Palestinian Authority Official: We'd Nuke Israel

The Palestinian Authority (PA), as opposed to Hamas, is widely considered the moderate force in any Palestinian Arab dealings with Israel are willfully blind. However, in two separate incidents, the desire of at least some PA officials to attack Israel and murder Jews was made abundantly clear in two separate recent incidents.
Jibril Rajoub, the Deputy Secretary of the Fatah Central Committee and Chairman of the PA Olympic Committee told the Lebanese Al-Mayadeen TV channel of how much he hated Israel and the Jews who live there: "I swear that if we had a nuke, we'd have used it this very morning."  Rajoub’s words were published on his Facebook page on May 2, 2013 and also reported by Palestinian Media Watch (PMW).
PMW also reported that after Evyatar Borovsky, an Israeli Jew, was stabbed to death by a Palestinian terrorist at a bus stop last week, Abu Al-Einein, who was recently a minister in the inner circle of PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, joyfully chortled, "We salute the heroic fighter, the self-sacrificing Salam Al-Zaghal."
Al-Einein was echoed by another PA official, who intoned,"He insisted on defending his honor, so he went against the settler and killed him. Blessings to the breast that nursed Salam Al-Zaghal." The Palestinian audience burst into applause.

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