viernes, mayo 10, 2013

New Evidence from His Doctors Shows Hitler Was Gay


There is new evidence that Adolph Hitler was gay. Doctors who treated Hitler were interviewed by the U.S. Army after World War II, and the notes from those interviews have now been made public.

Army interrogator Herman Merl, who was a medical technician who interviewed Hitler's doctors, Karl Brandt and Hitler’s primary physician, Theodor Morell, wrote “Homosex” in the space provided for Hitler’s sexuality. The doctors told Merl that Hitler did not sleep with girlfriend Eva Braun in her bedroom, and he himself received female hormones. Merl wrote, "Eva Braun = separate rooms" and "female hormone - injection 50,000 units." He added, "His sexual life and intercourse with Eva Braun was told to me."
Merl wrote that Hitler was "hysterical," a "megalomaniac," and might have had Parkinson's disease.
The notebooks Merl kept will be sold by Alexander Historical Auctions of Chesapeake City, Md. in late May. Alexander has previously sold notes regarding Hitler that revealed he was also injected with bull semen for testosterone.

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