lunes, mayo 27, 2013

Another U.S. Citizen Arrested in Cuba

Cecilia Rojas, a U.S. citizen of Cuban descent, has been arrested by the Castro regime after visiting a prominent Cuban pro-democracy leader.

Rojas had traveled to the town of Placetas, where she visited the home of Cuban pro-democracy leader, Jorge Luis Garcia Perez "Antunez."

She was arrested upon leaving Antunez's home.

Her Florida drivers license has been confiscated.

Ironically, in her last tweet before departing to Cuba, she had taken a picture of a man who was asking for American hostage Alan Gross's release, in front of the Cuban Interests Section in Washington, D.C.

So if you're an American traveling to Cuba on a Castro-hosted "people-to-people" tour, the regime welcomes you with open arms (and wallets).

But if you're an American traveling to Cuba to express solidarity with the democratic aspirations of the Cuban people, the regime arrests you.

UPDATE: Rojas was released this morning.

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