domingo, abril 14, 2013

Venezuela Electoral Updates: Serious News As They Arrive Tonight

The Devil's Excrement
8: 43 Advantage Capriles but very close. Foreign votes may decide.
8:39 PM MUD says it is irresponsible to call for any gathering of people. That the MUD knows the numbers as well as the Government. Votes are still being counted.
7:53 PM This appears to be so close, that all tallies will have to be counted to determine the winner.
7:12 PM: Things are tight, with abstention right above 21-22% at the end
6:36 PM Abstention lower than at 1 PM, now above October. However, in the pro-Chavez centers, abstention averages 32%, in the pro-oppo centers, abstention running at 25%. This does not mean it is favorable yet, it just says we are going more.

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