jueves, abril 11, 2013

Venezuela: Capriles Campaign Chief killed

Fausta's Blog
Ecuador Times:

Juan Aranda, head of campaign in the Tachira State of the current presidential candidate, Henrique Capriles, was killed on tuesday morning, after been kidnapped by two individuals who were impersonating police officers.
This is a warning to Capriles: if you disavow or challenge the result of the April 14th election, you’re dead.
As I said yesterday, the election is rigged. Capriles, who is no fool, is campaigning, knowing this. His only tactic, after the results are in, would be to challenge the results.
Former election board judge Ana Mercedes Diaz said as much in last night’s Bayly show (in Spanish),

Just yesterday National Assembly head Diosdado Cabello was saying that (starting at the 1:18 mark in the YouTube, my translation, if you use this, please credit me and link to this post)
“We want to make a healthy warning. Because for us, it’s very easy to have this information, locate each of these people, and we have located them, we know your names, last name, where they live, where they go, with whom they go, and in the moment they do, we let them do and we take action. Not a slap on the hand, no, drastic action against those who attempt to act against the nation’s peace and security.”
When asked how would anyone attempt to, Cabello specifically stated “by challenging the results of the election.”
Cabello says at the end of the clip,”We’re very clear on what we’ll do… we’ll do whatever we must do.”

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