jueves, abril 25, 2013

U.S. Rep. Castor Relies on Spy's Report in Letter to Obama

Oh the irony.

On the very same weekend that The Washington Post's Magazine runs a cover-story on infamous Cuban spy Ana Belen Montes, U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor (D-FL) writes a letter to President Obama citing a report written by Montes for the Defense Department (while serving as a Cuban spy) as part of her rationale for wanting to normalize relations with the Castro regime.

Rep. Castor writes to President Obama that "no evidence exists that Cuba remains a state-sponsor of terrorism" because (citing an old report from the Council on Foreign Relations) "in 1998, a comprehensive review by the U.S. intelligence community concluded that Cuba does not pose a threat to U.S. national security."

If Rep. Castor would have picked up The Washington Post this weekend, she might have learned that the "comprehensive review" she is citing was led by Ana Belen Montes, a former Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) senior analyst, who is currently in a federal prison for serving as a spy for the Castro regime.

As The Washington Post reported, "Montes had succeeded beyond the Cubans’ wildest dreams. She was now briefing the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the National Security Council and even the president of Nicaragua about Cuban military capabilities. She helped draft a controversial Pentagon report stating that Cuba had a 'limited capacity' to harm the United States and could pose a danger to U.S. citizens only 'under some circumstances.'"

And that, "... intelligence experts consider [Montes] among the most harmful spies in recent memory."


That's what happens when a Member of Congress, who is not on any foreign-policy related committee, is advised by unscrupulous business interests, U.S.-based groups with an ideological affinity to the Castro dictatorship and a four-day propaganda trip to Cuba overwhelmingly focused on meetings with regime officials (while ignoring courageous pro-democracy leaders).

However, this isn't the first time Rep. Castor steps in it since her return from Cuba.

She also came back expressing great concern about Cuba's offshore oil drilling and the need for the U.S. to engage with the Castro regime on this effort.

Apparently, Rep. Castor didn't get the memo that Castro's offshore drilling dream is a bust and that even its near-shore drilling effort has now been called off.

Actually, the title of The Washington Post's feature this weekend was quite fitting:

"Ana Montes did much harm spying for Cuba. Chances are, you haven’t heard of her."

There are obviously a lot of things about Cuba that Rep. Castor hasn't heard of -- or simply chooses to ignore.

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