viernes, abril 12, 2013

Tweet of the Day: Two Rappers Imprisoned in Cuba


Jay-Z rapped his response to controversy of his #Cuba trip. Who'll respond? Maybe Cuban hip-hop artists. Oh wait, 2 of them are in jail...
— Pedro Pizano (@pedropizano) April 11, 2013
The two rappers referred to in this Tweet are:

1. Angel Remon Arzuaga - from the hip-hip duo “Los Hijos Que Nadie Quiso” (‘The Unwanted Children’), who has been in jail since March 21st for his lyrics. Angel is on the 16th day of a hunger strike protesting his unjust imprisonment.

2. Marcos Máiquel Lima Cruz - imprisoned on Christmas Day 2010, along with his brother Antonio Michel (released in October 2012), during a private party at their home in Cuba. Their crime? Listening to an underground hip-hop group ("Los Aldeanos"), whose lyrics criticize the government.

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