martes, abril 16, 2013

Time to fire Premier Kathleen Wynne’s fools | Editorial Toronto Sun

Voters need to have an “adult conversation” with Premier Kathleen Wynne and her sorry collection of “revenue fools” known as Ontario’s Liberal government.
In other words, it’s time to throw these bums out of office, with a swift kick delivered to their money-squandering keisters.
With Monday’s finding by Auditor General Jim McCarter the real cost of the Liberals’ political decision to cancel the Mississauga gas plant two weeks before the 2011 election was $275 million, not the $190 million the Liberals claimed, enough is enough.
They lied coming into power in 2003, when then premier Dalton McGuinty brought in one of the largest tax grabs in Ontario history, after promising not to do so during the campaign.
And they’re still lying today, given McCarter’s finding the cost of closing the Mississauga plant is 44.7% higher than the $190 million the Liberals claimed.
According to McCarter, the $190 million cost of moving the plant to Sarnia only accounts for how much extra Ontarians will pay as taxpayers.
But it doesn’t include the fact Ontarians will have an additional $85 million tacked on to their electricity bills because of the Liberal “seat saver” program.
“The circumstances surrounding the cancellation decision weakened the Ontario Power Authority’s (OPA) negotiating position,” McCarter concluded.
“We found that the OPA was under significant pressure to get the construction of the plant stopped as quickly as possible, and this likely resulted in the final cancellation costs being higher than they would otherwise have been.”
McCarter will report this summer on the cost of the Liberals’ 2010 decision to cancel another unpopular gas plant in Oakville and move it to Napanee.
The Liberals claim it’s $40 million, but an independent energy expert has testified before a legislative committee the real price could be up to $638 million, 16 times higher than what the Liberals are saying.
In any event, it’s past time for NDP Leader Andrea Horwath to stop condemning the Liberals out of one side of her mouth, while supporting their politically corrupt minority government out of the other.
She should join forces with Progressive Conservative Leader Tim Hudak and bring down the Liberals now.
They don’t deserve to be in office another day.

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