martes, abril 23, 2013

Obama’s body language tells more about him than his lofty words

Obama spite continues as the main underlying trademark of his destructive presidency.
With the horrific Boston Marathon terrorist attack, less than two weeks old, and at the very same time defense lawyers for abortion practitioner Kermit Gosnell defend him from murder charges in court, Obama will attend a Planned Parenthood fundraising gala on Thursday.
Obama, Champion of Partial Birth Abortions of Record, is as lukewarm in his criticism of the House of Horrors run by Gosnell as he was in his criticism of the suspects following the Boston Marathon bombing.
In heading to the Planned Parenthood fundraising gala, Obama said in a statement accompanying the release of his new public schedule, that he hopes the nation will return to normalcy after the marathon bombing.
His presidency has quashed what was once normalcy in America.
When directly asked about the gruesome crimes of the Philadelphia abortion practitioner on the NBC Today show: “Have you been watching the Gosnell trial?” “Are you following it, and do you think it animates a larger debate about abortion in this country?” this was his puny answer:
“Well, I’m familiar with it.  I can’t comment on it because it’s an active trial,” said Obama.  “What I can say is this: I think President Clinton said it pretty well when he said abortion should be safe, legal, and rare.  If an individual carrying out an abortion, operating a clinic, or doing anything else is violating medical ethics, violating the law, then they should be prosecuted.” (, April 22, 2013)
With 1 million abortions killing babies every year, abortions in the USA are hardly rare.
Why are so few saying that Obama is an out and out coward who hides behind lofty, pre-scripted words: “All in all, this has been a tough week,” Obama said late Friday at the White House.  “But we’ve seen the character of our country once more.  And as president, I’m confident that we have the courage and the resilience and the spirit to overcome these challenges—and to go forward, as one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”
With the Boston bombing and the Texas fertilizer explosion happening within days of each other, it’s been a tough week alright, but for whom?
“But we’ve seen the character of our country once more” are strange words indeed from the lips of the man who seeks to utterly destroy that character.
Nor does the ‘royal we’ speak power to truth when Obama says…”as president, I’m confident that we have the courage and the resilience and the spirit to overcome these challenges.”
The truth is that the American people “have the courage and the resilience and the spirit to overcome these challenges”—in spite of anti-American Barack Hussein Obama.
Going forward as “one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all” does not apply to Obama who, in essence is going on Thursday to the many death houses sustained by abortion giant Planned Parenthood under the guise of a yet another fundraising gala.
Good people everywhere should stop reading Obama’s lips, listening to his heresies and pay much closer attention to the giveaway-signs of his own body language.
The AP photo pictured above shows Obama at his best, cringing at a judo match on the White House lawn, where cosseted by Secret Service, he’s guaranteed the safety of everything but his own sensibilities.
Detractors of the picture accuse the president of being “über girly”, an insult to the fairer sex.  But the truth is, it’s not his gender but his lack of backbone that is showing.

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