lunes, abril 29, 2013

Lady in White Belkis Cantillo From Brussels to a Cuban Prison

Belkis is second from the left
The Castro regime has brutally beaten and arrested members of the Ladies in White upon leaving Mass in the eastern city of Palm Soriano.

The Ladies in White is a peaceful pro-democracy group composed of the female relatives of Cuban political prisoners.

Members of Castro's secret police punched and hit them with umbrellas as they exited the church, Our Lady of the Rosary.

Among those arrested was Belkis Cantillo, who just returned from Brussels this week, where she joined Ladies in White leader Berta Soler in receiving the European Parliament's Sakharov Award for Freedom of Thought.

Cantillo's current whereabouts are unknown.

(Another group of seven Ladies in White have been beaten outside the the Shrine of Our Lady of Charity in Santiago.)

More "reform" you can't believe in.

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