martes, abril 23, 2013

Cuba-Brasil: How Shady Are Odebrecht's Business Deals?

So shady that the Brazilian government has decided to officially "classify" documents related to Odebrecht's current business dealings with the Castro regime until the year 2027.

This is an unprecedented move, considering their heavy reliance on public financing from the Brazilian government.

Brazil's Folha de Sao Paulo reported this month that documents related to Odebrecht's business deals in Cuba will be considered a "state secret" due to strategic considerations until 2027.

Odebrecht has partnered with the Castro regime to expand the Port of Mariel for the Cuban military's trade monopolies; to create a "maquila-style" manufacturing zone to exploit Castro's slave labor; and to revive the regime's struggling sugar industry.

These are obviously very strategic sectors -- for the Castro regime, that is.

To add insult to injury, this week it was announced that Odebrecht would also also be tasked with remodeling airport terminals in Havana and other Cuban cities.

Meanwhile, ironically, Odebrecht also continues to be the darling of Miami-Dade County, where they also engage in closed-room deals, non-transparency, revolving doors and stifling competition  -- all at a cost to the taxpayers.

Odebrecht is the Halliburton of Havana and Miami-Dade County.

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