martes, abril 09, 2013

Cuba: Beyonce Should Give Five Minutes to Berta Soler


Mauricio Claver-Carone, an anti-Castro lobbyist in Washington who has denounced the couple’s visit to Cuba, said he only wants the singers to hear the arguments of people such as Berta Soler, leader of the dissident Ladies in White.

“The point is not to get them fined or reprimanded,” he said. “I just hope they can take five minutes to meet with someone like Berta Soler and hear their side, and I will be a happy camper.”

As the article notes,

Beyoncé is not new to political controversies, and in 2009 was paid $2 million by a son of Libyan strongman Moammar Gaddafi to perform at a New Years Eve bash in the British-run Caribbean island of St. Barts. She later donated the money to Haiti earthquake relief.

Beyonce corrected her controversial action then with a noble deed after -- can she do the same now?

Just give 5 minutes to Berta, who will be visiting the U.S. later this month.

Is that too much to ask?

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