miércoles, abril 17, 2013

Canadian Goverment has called for an emergency debate on Venezuela election-Sign a petition

The Government has called for a vote thus postponing emergency debate. Sent in your emails as soon as possible
April 17, 2013

Dear Friend,
Further to the latest revelations in Venezuela I will be asking for an emergency debate today in the House of Commons on April 17, 2013 at 3:00 pm on the latest crisis in Venezuela following the election on April 14, 2013.
I was an international elections observer and seen first hand some of these difficulties, however today we see the reality of the aftermath of the elections.
People were killed on the streets today while asking for a recount. We see pictures coming out of Venezuela that remind us of dictatorships.
I need your help in order to accomplish this. I need you to join me in asking the Speaker of the House of Commons to allow the emergency debate to go on.
We need to have as many as possible join us on this ePetition. Please join and send your email ePetition request to the Speaker of the House of Commons:
Please pass this petition on to your family, friends and people on your email list. People through out the world can join in. This is not just limited to Canadian residents anyone can join.

Hon. Jim Karygiannis P.C., M.P.
Liberal Critic for Multiculturalism
Constituency Office
3850 Finch Ave East Suite 206
Scarborough Ontario
M1T 3T6
Tel: (416) 321 5454
fax: (416) 321 5456

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