miércoles, abril 17, 2013

BREAKING NEWS: Key Electronic Component of Boston Bomb ID'd

DEVELOPING: Fox News has been told that the circuit board suspected of being used to detonate the Boston Marathon bomb has been recovered, and that FBI investigators continue to scan and analyze the cell phone tower records to identify positive hits for signs of calls that may have triggered both explosions remotely.
According to a FBI and Department of Homeland Security bulletin, the evidence at this time supports just one pressure cooker used. Shrapnel in that device included nails, BBs and ball bearings.  The main charge - possibly low explosive - has not been identified.  The other device "was also housed in a metal container, but currently there is insufficient evidence to determine if it was also a pressure cooker. The fuse system and method of initiation for the two devices are unknown at this time."
Pressure cooker bombs have been used in high-profile bombings in India, Pakistan and Afghanistan, and have been touted in the Al Qaeda in Yemen's online propaganda magazine Inspire and in the "The Anarchist Cookbook."

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