domingo, abril 21, 2013

Bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev Inspired by Radical Muslim Preacher


Screen Shot 2013-04-19 at 11.41.11 AMBy Walter Stark
Sheikh Feiz thinks Jews are pigs and women are to blame for being raped.
Promoting violence and terrorism in the name of Islam, Feiz Mohammad is described as “one of the world’s most controversial Islamic lecturers“.  He was an inspiration to dead Boston bomber suspect, Tamerlan Tsarnaev.
Feiz Mohammad, the radical preacher cited by dead Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev, is a former boxer who blames women for being raped and called for a prominent Dutch politician to be beheaded.
Widely known as ‘Sheikh Feiz’, the preacher was born in Australia circa 1970-1 but fled to Lebanon, the homeland of his parents, eight years ago after becoming one of the world’s most controversial Islamic lecturers.
He has been investigated by Australian police for inciting violence and terrorism, and was even captured on a British TV documentary encouraging children to become martyrs for Islam six years ago.
Feiz has been described by some as Australia’s most dangerous sheikh, because of the number of connections he holds to known terrorists.
Although it is not known whether the hardline sheikh has any direct links to Al-Qaeda, he has regularly broadcast sermons from the group’s spiritual leader, Anwar al-Awlaki, on his website.
Full article here >>

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