martes, marzo 05, 2013

Rush: The real reason Republicans lose

PALM BEACH, Fla. – Radio host Rush Limbaugh says there’s a relatively simple reason why Republicans have not been able to win the presidency in the last two election cycles: they don’t have conservative candidates at the top of the ticket.
“That’s why we’re losing, because we keep nominating moderates,” Limbaugh claimed Tuesday on his top-rated national radio show.
He referred to former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, the 2012 GOP nominee for the White House, as “one of the most decent men ever to run for the presidency in my lifetime and probably in many people’s lifetimes.”
“A totally decent guy,” he continued, “but four million Republicans didn’t vote in 2012. Four million fewer than did in 2008. The Republican conservative base stayed home. Had they voted, we wouldn’t be talking about Obama’s second term. There wouldn’t be one.”
Limbaugh noted: “In politics, if we had at the electoral level somebody who could articulate conservatism passionately and from the heart without a teleprompter, without notes, we wouldn’t be in this mess. People respond to it when it’s properly explained. But it’s been so castigated, besmirched, impugned that many conservatives are defensive about it.
“And now there’s a popular movement: ‘Well, we’re gonna have to moderate our stand on immigration, we have to actually maybe be for amnesty. Moderate our view on abortion and kind of forget about the social issues. We’re gonna have to forget being concerned about any kind of morality now. That’s the only way we’re gonna get re-elected. And that’s why we’re losing.”

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