sábado, marzo 02, 2013

Possible New Pope Shares Platform With Institute for Policy Studies Radical

Cardinal Turkson
Cardinal Turkson
The man many have picked to be the next Pope,  is set to share a platform with  a representative of one of America’s most radical left “think tanks. ”
Cardinal Peter Turkson of Ghana, radical actor/activist Martin Sheen, and Emira Woods of – the Washington DC based Institute for Policy Studies, are all invited guest speakers at the leftist Africa Faith And Justice’ s 30th Anniversary, March 1, 2013 through March 3, 2013, University of Notre Dame. South Bend, Indiana.
IPS, active since the 1960s, has infiltrated every Democratic Administration since Jimmy Carter.  President Barack Obama was a trustee of an IPS “partner” organization Demos, as was his communist  “Green Jobs Czar” Van Jones. Both outgoing US Secretary of defense Leon Panetta, and incoming Sec. Chuck Hagel also have IPS ties.
IPS was once notorious for its ties to the Soviet KGB, and Castro’s intelligence services. The organization has been a major player in moving America leftward,  for almost 50 years now.
Any Papal candidate who would even consider sharing a platform with an IPS representative, should be viewed with grave suspicion.
From the IPS website
From the IPS website
Portrayed as a conservative by some, for his controversial linking of homosexuality and pedophilia, Cardinal Turkson is, on wealth re-distribution issues at least, a man of the Left.
For example, in response to the global economic crisis of  2008, Cardinal Turkson, put forward  a proposal to reform the international financial system by creating a “Global Public Authority” and a Global Bank that “consider the interest of all developing countries”.
In 2008 Americans voted with their hearts, for their first black president,  and got a red one instead.
The Catholic College of Cardinals need to weigh their votes for the next Pope very carefully. If they vote with their hearts, rather than their heads, the next Pope may end up doing to the Catholic Church, what Barack Obama has done to America.
That would be a disaster for all of us. Catholic, and non-Catholic alike.

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