sábado, marzo 09, 2013

Invasion Of Privacy: Just Because Government Can, Doesn't Mean They Should

Extreme peeping Tom
Technology is moving into the culture at such a fast pace that Joe and Jane Citizen can’t even wrap their minds around it. And, no, I am not suggesting paranoia is the best response to it. But when government uses Joe’s and Jane’s money to use technology to take away their privacy and their freedoms, I think it’s time to take a hard look at what this “Brave New World” is foisting upon us. Science fiction has become reality. This is why we are looking at drone strikes on American citizens and why Rand Paul’s filibuster was such a dramatic and seminal moment.
My readers know I have been on the rabbit trail, chasing down the power grab of Councils of Governments and trying to warn our elected officials. To that end, I am going to share a few details with you from the grant application and grant that our Centralina Council of Governments took from the Federal government. The grant is based on United Nations global governance. But to hide that fact, our Federal government has obfuscated the jargon in an attempt to snooker the American public. And a good job they’ve done so far.
How do you like the idea that an unelected bureaucracy has given itself the power to assess and collect data on your personal belongings and your lifestyle? (Worse that your elected officials are letting them do it.) We know the Federal government is implementing data collection through the healthcare bill and through the public school system. So why no do it through unelected planning agencies as well? They are!
This may be too much “getting into the weeds” for some, but here is an example of what I mean:
Under the heading of “Energy Conservation” the HUD grant application sets out the budget to be spent on data collection on your home, your assets, and your activities. This bureaucratic cabal of self-important controllers. is using your tax dollars to pay people with infra-red thermal imaging equipment to come to your house and assess the greenhouse gases your house may be emitting. Is your house leaking heat or cooling emissions? Remember this CCOG has captured 14 counties and all of the towns and cities within that area….four of the counties are not even in this state.
This project provides comparable analyses of energy-savings potentials for a cross-section of neighborhood houses in the CCOG/Catawba COG represented county region. Deliverables for this project include: (1) a compilation of neighborhood housing sampling per county for the Neighborhood Energy Profile Database; (2) assessments will be made as to which neighborhoods collectively have the best potential for realizing cost-effective energy savings; (3) targeting those identified neighborhoods with messages on how households can realize these savings through proven, affordable, achievable and accessible measures.

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