martes, marzo 05, 2013

Cuba: Over 500 Political Arrests in February

The Castro regime arrested more than 500 democracy activists for their peaceful opposition activities during the short month of February.

The Cuban Commission for Human Rights and National Reconciliation documented 504 of these political arrests.

And those are only the arrests that are known.  Many more believed to have taken place.

Moreover, there has been a worrying trend of over a dozen young prisoners suffering "preventable deaths" in custody during recent months.

Among these are:

Antonio Ribalta Junco (44), Ramon Aguilera (30), Alfonso Fonseca (34), Rogelio Abreu, Gabriel Cárdenas (27), Yordanis Ballagas (27), Didier La O Socarrás (21), Yasmani Calderón (34), Denis Mena Pérez (40), Lázaro Rodríguez (51), Alexander Soto (30), Roberto Aguilar (41) and Rey Despaigne (46).

More reform you can't believe in.

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