sábado, marzo 30, 2013

Cuba: From The State Department

During today's State Department Daily Press Briefing, spokesperson Victoria Nuland began by stating:

First of all, with regard to Cuba, the United States supports the calls for an investigation with independent international observers into the circumstances leading to the deaths of Oswaldo Paya and Harold Cepero in Cuba. The people of Cuba and the families of these two activists deserve a clear, credible accounting of the events that resulted in their tragic deaths. The United States will continue to advocate for the rights of all Cubans to speak out in defense of human rights and democracy.

Then, in a follow up:

QUESTION: On Cuba, is this a new policy, that you support an investigation into the deaths of Mr. Paya and the other gentleman, or is that a longstanding position?

MS. NULAND: We have been supporting this privately. It had been an – we had not had a chance to make a public statement that we are supportive of this. As you know, a number of human rights groups are coming out publicly. We thought we should add our voice to it as loudly and clearly as possible.

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