viernes, marzo 29, 2013

Che’s Worst Nightmare Comes True

Babalú Blog
Yes.  The new man, the revolutionary, is no longer just a member of the party, el partido.  El hombre nuevo está partido, y lo que mas le interesa en un party.
So much for revolutionary principles.  The Castro Kingdom is now being marketed as "a warm and friendly destination" for gay travelers who are always "on the cutting edge" and are the "first to establish trends."
And.... guess what these cutting-edge customers have to say about the island's record on gay rights: well, it's a "checkered past," you see.  Yeah, checkered.  Just like the Third Reich had a checkered past on genocide.
Checkered.   Le ronca.  When it comes to the debasement of language,  and to sheer hypocrisy, no other country can hold a candle to Castrogonia.   It attracts hypocrites and self-deluded fools like no other place on earth.  It is the ultimate ethical dystopia, the top showcase of hypocrisy, and the cushiest imaginable refuge for  the sociopaths who tortured tens of thousands of gays and have yet to be brought to justice.  Imagine that: the same cretins who persecuted gays are still running the country, and now gays want to travel there and fund their repressive regime.   These visitors -- as well as many of those who live there --  are among the slimiest enablers on earth.
Meanwhile, in Hell, this must be one doozy of a torture for Che, who has to watch all of his work undone.
Cuba Looking to Become Gay Travel Hotspot
Even with State Department travel restrictions and a checkered past of treating the gay community, Cuba is looking to attract LGBT travelers and bring them – and their money – to what was once a forbidden country to Americans.
From April 14 to 21, Insight Cuba, along with gay travel agency Coda International Tours, has put together a travel package to give LGBT people an exclusive seven-night trip to Havana and Cienfuegos full of one-of-a-kind art and cultural experiences.
Coda International Tours founder Jim Smith said gay travelers are “on the cutting edge” and the “first to establish trends.”
“[Gays] are going to places before they’re flooded with the average tourists,” Smith said in a statement. “Cuba is a very warm and friendly destination and a big draw right now, especially for the gay market.”
Tom Popper, president of Insight Cuba, agrees with Smith saying he and his company have crafted a custom itinerary and is thrilled to offer this particular program for the LGBT market.
“In addition to our signature people-to-people activities fostering touching exchanges with locals, participants will also be able to experience the thriving gay community in Cuba as the country propels towards more democratic ideals,” said Popper.
At $3,995 per person, that custom itinerary, which includes accommodations, all meals, guided activities, entrance fees to scheduled activities and in-country ground transportation, starts with five nights in Havana, then two nights in Cienfuegos and wrapped up with a day trip to colonial Trinidad. Highlights of the trip include:
Walking through Old Havana, a UNESCO World Heritage site.
Engaging with resident musicians and artists at Callejon de Hamel, a street rife with art displays and public music performances.
Attending a dance session of Ballet Folklorico de Trinidad.
Visiting the artist Jose Fustar, dubbed the “Picasso of the Caribbean.”
For more details about this trip, visit Coda International Tours.

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