martes, febrero 19, 2013

U.S. and Iranian Delegations in Havana Today
A high-level Iranian delegation has arrived in Havana today to meet with Cuban dictator Raul Castro.

Considering the make-up of the Iranian delegation, it looks like some money-laundering is in the works. 

Meanwhile, a U.S. Congressional delegation led by U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont) is also in Havana today to meet with Cuban dictator Raul Castro. 

Guess who the joke is on?

From Iran's state media:

Iranian Vice-President for International Affairs Ali Saeedlou left Tehran for Havana on Tuesday in a bid to discuss expansion of bilateral ties with Cuban officials.

Saeedlou, heading a high-ranking delegation, is slated to meet Cuban President Raul Castro and other senior officials to discuss the issues of mutual interest and follow up on the economic projects and deals signed by the two countries' presidents. 

Several Iranian deputy ministers and bank managers are accompanying Saeedlou during his visit to Cuba.

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