jueves, febrero 28, 2013

So who’s pushing Yoani Sanchez’ invite to the White House?

considerando las declaraciones de yronica sanchez en brasil, la solicitud de audiencia con el presidente obama por la eregida representante de la sociedad civil y la disidencia cubana, luego de las designaciones de kerry como secretario de estado, de hagel como de defensa y las recomendaciones del senador Sen. Leahy, servirian en bandeja de plata los "argumentos" que necesita el inquilino de la casa blanca para reformular su politica hacia cuba. 
ah!, y pa' que luego no digan, carece de absoluta importancia si la yronica es agente por cuenta propia, del aparato disidente o del g2. a ese punto esta el poker en tablero de go.
"Sweet dreams are made of this...Travel the world and the seven seas
Everybody's looking for something
Some of them want to use you."
The petition to petition President Obama to invite Yoani Sanchez to the White House was created by Elvis Fuentes, curator of New York's Museo del Barrio. Mr Fuentes is a 1999 graduate of the Univ. of Havana and until 2002 served (in his native Cuba) as curator for The Ludwig Foundation of Cuba.
In brief, The Ludwig Foundation of Cuba is the foremost proponent--and top vehicle--for cultural and "people to people" Potemkin tours of Stalinist Cuba.
From a declassified Soviet KGB Document translated by Soviet Dissident Vladimir Bukovsky: “Friendship and Cultural Exchange with Foreign Counties are our most effective propaganda”
From The Ludwig Foundation's mission statement:
"American Friends of the Ludwig Foundation of Cuba's commitment to promoting and supporting Cuban art and artists is reflected in its relationships with: (Among many other agencies of the Stalinist regime): "Casa de las Americas"
In 1983 a high ranking Cuban Intelligence officer named Jesus Perez Mendez defected to the U.S. and spilled his guts to the FBI. Among his spillings we encounter the following: "The Cuban DGI (Directorio General de Intelligencia, Castro's KGB/STASI trained Secret service) controls the Casa de las Americas."
Wonder if the "embargo" will come up during Yoani's visit?
(Oye pero la verdad que a este Fontova le encanta joder!)

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