jueves, febrero 07, 2013

Panetta: Obama AWOL on Night of Benghazi Attack


While giving Senate testimony regarding Benghazi on Feb. 7, Sec. of Defense Leon Panetta said Obama was not present nor did he communicate with the Sec. of Defense during the Benghazi attack.

Panetta was answering questions from Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) when he made it clear he had no communication with Obama outside the normal, "pre-scheduled" 5 p.m. meeting on September 11. 
When asked if Obama at least called to check in as the attack unfolded Panetta said "No." 
When asked if anyone from the White House called that night, Panetta said "No." 
According to Panetta, the President trusted that the Sec. of Defense and Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCOS) Chairman General Martin Dempsey were aware of what military assets were and weren't near Benghazi, so he left it "up to us."

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