jueves, febrero 14, 2013

North Korea Nuclear Test in Conjunction with Iran?


Security experts are now wondering if North Korea's nuclear test on Tuesday was carried out for Iran's benefit.

Bar-Ilan University's Dr. Alon Levkowitz says there's no information to confirm such a collaboration yet but warns that it Iran could be conducting tests in secret:
The most disturbing question is whether the Iranians are using North Korea as a backdoor plan for their own nuclear program. The Iranians didn't carry out a nuclear test in Iran, but they may have done so in North Korea. There is no official information on this. But Iran may have bypassed inspections via North Korea.
You will recall that cooperation between Iran and North Korea is not uncommon on matters like this. Not only has North Korea sold missiles to Iran in the past, but Iranian scientists have been present in North Korea for major weapons tests along the way. 
As Levkowitz put it, if Tuesday's nuclear test was in fact Iranian or for Iran, "this is a very worrying development."

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