lunes, febrero 25, 2013

Limbaugh: 'Conspiracy' for Obamas at Oscars

WND/ By Joe Kovacs
First Lady Michelle Obama announces the best picture award for
"Argo" during the 85th Academy Awards.
Talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh says there was supreme irony and a possible “conspiracy” in having first lady Michelle Obama present the award for best picture Sunday night at the 85th annual Academy Awards.
“There was some real irony last night that zipped by and blew by a lot of people,” Limbaugh noted, saying it was the first time in a decade he had watched the entire broadcast from start to finish.
“The best picture award last night went to a movie named ‘Argo,’ which was about what? The rescue of embassy personnel under attack in Iran. The wife of the commander in chief who failed to rescue four Americans at an embassy/consulate in Benghazi presented it, and talked about how important it was, and how necessary it is and how great it was and all that.
“This administration FAILED in rescuing Americans under attack, and the wife of the president who failed presented the Oscar to the movie who won the best picture award about a successful rescue of embassy personnel from Iran in 1979, thereby maybe claiming credit.”
“I can’t get over it,” he continued.
Actor/director Ben Affleck in a scene from "Argo," which won the best
picture Oscar at the 85th Academy Awards.
“‘Argo.’ Rescue of six embassy personnel, Iran 1979. Obama: failure to rescue four embassy personnel. Michelle Obama presents award for best movie to ‘Argo.’ If you want to look for a conspiracy in any of this, you focus on that. You talk about irony. This regime still hasn’t come clean on what happened at Benghazi. They’ve tried to paper that over and cover that up, blame that all on a video. There hasn’t been anything courageous in one aspect of Benghazi, and certainly not from the standpoint of the [Obama] regime. But ‘Argo’ is a movie about the rescue of six embassy/CIA personnel from Iran in 1979, right under the watchful eyes of the Ayatollah Khomeini. And there’s Michelle Obama presenting the award. Best movie, Argo. And her husband didn’t do didley squat saving embassy personnel in Benghazi.”
Limbaugh said “Argo’s” victory for best picture was a no-brainer, as the powers-that-be in Hollywood were, in effect, congratulating themselves for getting involved in the 1979 rescue, since the movie focused on a phony movie being made in Iran as a ruse to enable the rescue.
He also said when it comes to the Academy Awards, “The bottom line here is that the Obamas have been snubbed. They still haven’t won an Oscar. They’ve won everything else. They’ve won Grammys. They have won a Nobel Prize. The Obamas have won lifetime-achievement awards … the Obamas have won awards that haven’t even been created. But they haven’t won an Oscar. And there were two chances for them last night: the campaign ad, ‘Zero Dark Thirty’ and semi-autobiography, ‘Lincoln.’ Snubbed. So Michelle shows up, presenting the award.”
Limbaugh also had praise for the talent of “Family Guy” creator Seth MacFarlane, the host of the awards broadcast, despite the fact MacFarlane is a strong advocate of left-leaning political views, while Limbaugh is a champion for the political right.
“There are a lot of characterizations about how he uses it and what direction he takes it, but there’s no denying his talent, and he’s a profoundly hard worker,” Limbaugh said of MacFarlane. “I sent him an attaboy note yesterday morning. I sent him a wish-you-well kind of note. He wrote back and said, ‘You know what? I kind of understand how you conservatives feel about the media now.’ Because they were already proclaiming him the worst host ever before the show had even aired. I mean, 12 hours before the show.”

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