miércoles, febrero 27, 2013

Hacked [???] Over Romney’s Lifting of Cuba Embargo

everything is possible, but there is not a "ministerio de defensa" in cuba but a "ministerio de las fuerzas armadas revolucionarias".
even if the alleged original document estaba dirigido a un a foreigner, el espanol empleado es peor que el que ofrece cualquier traductor automatico. un documento firmado por el cercano a fallecer general julio casas regueiro, dificilmente mencionaria a fidel castro y en todo caso no se refiriria a el y a raul como "mister". tampoco es comun mencionar el 2do nombre de raul escrito por demas en minusculas y mucho menos en un documento de esta naturaleza. mucho celo han puesto los castros en que sus nombres jamas aparezcan involucrados en operaciones encubiertas.
Document Below Promises Lifting Sanctions if Elected

Since 1999, a team of FBI and intelligence agents from Mexico have traced Mitt Romney and his mistress, Maria, Perez Andropov, a Cuban/Russian intelligence agent, traveling in and out of Cuba on diplomatic passports.
The memo below, received from official sources, highly classified, outlines the deal made with Raul and Fidel Castro and Mitt Romney.
Accompanying documents reveal too much about the intelligence networks that passed this on.  Their report gives dates and times of travel, intercepts phone calls from Romney while in Cuba and tracks Romney as he travels through Cuba, meets with the Castros and flies back through Canada or Mexico.
Please download and distribute this before it is hacked.  We have been under continual attack since exposing the Romney/Cuba relationship.
Currently we are validating the one photograph of Romney and Maria getting off a plane in Havana, hand in hand, both in stripes, his collarless shirt, her very short dress.
They make a lovely couple. (Surveillance notes below)

The following was included with the photographs, as an excerpt:
Location: La Vaezero Cuba
Date: xxxxxxxxx1999
Subjects: Willard Mitt Romney and Maria Perez (Andropov) Suspected Cuban intelligence operative
Notes: Discussions between the aforementioned persons of interest  taking place on Cuban territory in the city of La Vaezero include but are not limited to drug trafficking, money laundering and currency and human trafficking into the United States of America.
Witnessed was a romantic encounter between the aforementioned persons.
Records: Photographs of the romantic encounter and contemporaneous surveillance team notes. A series of audio recordings were made.

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