sábado, febrero 23, 2013

Could it be Clinton and Obama in 2016?

Many Americans would like to believe, barring an unlikely repeal of the 22nd amendment to the U.S. Constitution Barack Obama would never be able to run on a Presidential ticket again. However, given the Democrat Party’s addiction to stretching and twisting U.S. laws to steal victories when failure is imminent, Americans cannot ignore the very real possibility of a Clinton/Obama ticket in 2016.
Be advised, lack of legal clarity has always been Obama and the Democrat Party’s greatest ally in their war on American traditions. Obama is a shameless specialist in murky law and questionable executive orders designed to trample on the U.S. constitution. After having read a variety of opinions from differing schools of legal thought, I have come to a troubling conclusion that a history making 2016 Hillary/Barack Democrat ticket could be in the works. Let me attempt to explain.
The 22nd amendment to the U.S. Constitution provides for the prohibition or the disqualification, for “election” only, to a third presidential term, for anyone who has held the Office of President for 2 terms or 8 years. It does not define a candidates “eligibility” to hold that office. The 12th amendment to the Constitution defines Presidential and Vice-Presidential “eligibility.”
Post Continues on lastresistance.com  >>

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