jueves, febrero 14, 2013

Corporate Socialism

By Laika 
Well, who would've imagined... now we have Republicans and Democrats joining hands in a great demonstration of bipartisanship and amazingly quick action by the usually gridlocked Congress... for what? Corporate Socialism in America! Working folks lose their jobs (outsourced abroad), can't pay their mortgages, lose their homes, and its tough luck. Big creditors on Wall Street get a $700 billion bail-out courtesy of the taxpayers. I thought capitalism was supposed to be about natural market forces, smart businessmen making sound investments and being rewarded with profits that trickle down... creating jobs, paying wages, stimulating consumer spending.... Now we have the federal government subsidizing failed financial institutions. With this $700 billion bail-out on top of the Iraq war debt, my children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren will all be paying for it with their taxes (if the whole house of cards does not come tumbling down soon). Why the sudden urgency, you might ask? Hmmm... the election in six weeks might have something to do with it, maybe?  At last we have something liberals and conservatives can agree on.  Bye bye Free Market Capitalism; hello Corporate Socialism.

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