lunes, enero 07, 2013

Rubio Worried About Hagel's 'Outdated, Unrealistic, Irrelevant' Cuba Policy

Marco Antonio Rubio

Marco Rubio is worried about Chuck Hagel's "outdated, unrealistic, irrelevant" Cuba policy, according to the Florida senator's office.
"We have a process for nominations, and Senator Rubio won’t prejudge these nominees. Senator Rubio hopes he will be able to meet with Senator Hagel prior to his confirmation vote," Rubio spokesman Alex Conant adds in a statement. "We’ll have questions about some of Senator Hagel’s past positions, including sanctions on Iran and promoting democracy in Latin America, since that’s long been a priority for Senator Rubio."
On President Obama's pick to head the CIA, John Brennan, Rubio's spokesman tells a Florida paper, "The national security leaks during President Obama’s first term were worrisome and should be a topic for Mr. Brennan’s nomination hearing. As a member of the Intelligence Committee, Sen. Rubio looks forward to engaging Mr. Brennan during this process."
Florida's other senator, Bill Nelson, a Democrat, was non-committal about either nominee. "Both nominees have distinguished records, but Sen. Nelson’s going to reserve comment until each has had a full and fair confirmation hearing, and an examination of their record," it appears a spokesman told the Miami Herald.

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