miércoles, enero 09, 2013

Obama Appoints French Economist Funded by Saudi Billionaire to Shape US Global Development Policy

By Gary P Jackson
As we noted last September, Barack Obama's ties to radical Islam and Saudi billionaires goes all of the way back to his collage days. Now it seems Obama is once again paying those who sponsored his collage education.
It's bad enough that Obama has seen to it that imports of oil from OPEC are up 20% during his time in office, now he's appointing a French socialist, who is funded by OPEC money, to head up the United States global policy.
Esther Duflo is one of those people who are taken seriously by the sort of people who eat up TED talks with a silver spoon. Her big number is how to help people in the Third World up from poverty, which is a surprisingly profitable branch of economics when you consider the sheer number of NGOs and billionaires interested in getting into the aid business.
But there’s one particular billionaire at Duflo’s back. Abdul Latif Jameel.
Esther Duflo is one of the co-founders of the Poverty Action Lab at MIT, more commonly known as J-PAL for the father of Abdul Latif Jameel aka Mohammed Abdul Latif Jameel, a Saudi billionaire with a net worth of approximately 5 billion dollars.
Mohammed Abdul Latif Jameel owns the world’s largest Toyota dealership and sits on the board of Coexist as well as a number of other organizations. And Jameel provided 3 major endowments for J-PAL. Around the same time the Abdul Latif Jameel Group sued the Wall Street Journal for reporting its presence on the list of accounts monitored for funding terrorism.
Mohammed’s brother was sued by victims of Al Qaeda on accusations that he helped fund its terrorist activities after his name was found on a list in the offices of Benevolence International Foundation, an Al Qaeda front group started by Bin Laden’s brother-in-law.
So we have French socialist, funded by a Muslim radical with ties to Al Qadea shaping American foreign policy.
What could go wrong?
It's time for Obama to be removed from office, and the Republicans had better grow a set and get it done.

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