lunes, enero 07, 2013 nominates Paul Krugman for Treasury Secretary

The progressive activist group is partnering with Hollywood actor/Hugo Chavez superfan Danny Glover in a petition drive urging the president to nominate New York Times‘ Keynesian economist and Obama enthusiast, Paul Krugman. So far, their petition has netted over 197,000 suckers… er, I mean signatories. nominates Paul Krugman for Treasury Secretary
“We urge you to nominate Paul Krugman for Treasury Secretary,” the petition states. “Krugman will protect Social Security and Medicare from benefit cuts, promote policies to create jobs, and help defeat the austerity dogma in Washington and around the world.”
Krugman, a fellow Nobel Prize winner and poster child of modern liberalism, would handily complement Obama’s progressive policies.  He’s also a big Obama apologist & Bush-blamer — aces for a liberal litmus test.
“It’s terribly unfair that [President Obama is] being judged on the failure of the economy,” Krugman has explained, “to respond to policies that had been largely dictated by a hostile Congress.”

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