miércoles, enero 02, 2013

Financial crisis: Let the REAL Games Begin

Judi McLeod
On the first back-to-business day after Christmas and New Year holidays, the stage, long lorded over by Barack Hussein Obama, is suddenly empty.
If the Fiscal Cliff had been a television show, it would have beat “American Idol”  in ratings, if only because it played out to a captive audience.  All during the holidays, you couldn’t miss the White Noise about the impending Fiscal Cliff.
For any who bothered to look down at the cliff’s bottom, a bleeding vulnerable America had been there all along, in fact way before the Fiscal Cliff loomed up on the public horizon.  Yet the Obama-created theme of the Fiscal Cliff was would the Republicans force America over.
Would weepy House Speaker John Boehner cave?  Would Republicans band together with TEA Party newbies and save the day?
As rich in drama as anything from Orson Welles, It all ended in a closed-door meeting, at 10:45 p.m., on a holiday—in a 257-167 vote, the end of New Year’s Day 2013 to plebes, the grand finale to a long running play for politicians of all stripes.
The morning-after empty stage is the giveaway of a well staged drama forced on the population for months. Leading Shakespearian thespian Barack Hussein Obama, whose main mantra has been ‘Eat the Rich’,  has not only left the building but the continent spending $7 million from the public purse to resume his holidays in Hawaii.
His phony conquering hero return to wintry Washington DC from the land of the sun and surf to lead the way on the Fiscal Cliff drama was the starring role of the long-running show.
Congress—including newly-elected TEA Party types—have become the new Reality TV show, that forced in hundreds of millions of Americans who want their country run with more accountability, as the hapless bit players.
Today the Marxist cunning but intrinsically lazy Obama returns as the conquering hero to Michelle Obama, Valerie Jarrett and their dozens of on-the-take hangers on in Hawaii.  For sure, he won’t be admitting that after all the showmanship essentially twice as many Conservative Republicans outnumbered the RINOS (Republicans in Name Only) who voted with the Democrats against what just happened, or that it required conducting the business of a nation on a statutory holiday.
In Hawaii, Valerie and the Obamas are essentially preaching to an already converted choir and now playing to an empty stage.
Here’s a cabal getting rich by ostensibly killing off the rich to quell the envious who returned them to political power. Obama seeks the approval of Michelle and Valerie, while half of the American voting population patently ignore them.
No deafening applause drowns out the White Noise of last night’s late-hour act.  Those with free Obama cell phones were yakking it up with family and friends, free stuff and not the politics that brought it into their lives being primary on their minds.
The Saul Alinsky drawn up enemy is supposed to register shock followed by deep depression.  But BHO hightailing it back to Hawaii is Act 3.  Between golf and naps, he will be working out the details of the most costly inauguration party in American history.
If hotels are reporting the public’s lack of booking interest, the regime can always count on Hollywood celebrities to fill empty seats.
Here is how it’s supposed to work:  You awaken to the frozen tundra on January 2 barely getting the garbage out to the curb before the truck rolls by.
Now that you’re fully awake, you must deal with the worry of whether the retailer for whom you work made it through this year’s anemic Christmas sales while Obama gets in another round of golf before taking another nap.
Make way for the doomsayers who will fill the airwaves and the Internet with dire warnings like, “They’re coming to take your guns”; “You will lose your Granny to Obama’s death panels.”
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