jueves, enero 10, 2013

Carriers dropping Tampa-Cuba charter flights

TAMPA Tampa International Airport is losing one of its three Cuba charter carriers and two of its five weekly flights to the island nation next month.
The changes, which come less than a year and a half after direct flights began from Tampa to Cuba, could eventually mean higher air fares for those flights.
XAEL Charters Inc. will discontinue its Tampa-Havana flight Feb. 14 and plans to relocate to Cuba from Fort Lauderdale sometime this year. In addition, ABC Charters will end its flights from Tampa to Holguin, Cuba, on Feb. 28.
Island Travel & Tours Ltd., the only one of the charter carriers based in Tampa, will maintain its Wednesday and Sunday flights between Tampa and Havana. Miami-based ABC Charters will maintain its Saturday flight between Tampa and Havana.
“Given that this is first time in more than 50 years for air service between Cuba and Tampa, it is natural to see some adjustments as the market evolves,” Tampa International spokeswoman Janet Zink said.
Fewer flights could mean those remaining will be more full, helping the charter operators improve their ratio of costs to revenue.
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