viernes, enero 04, 2013

Al Jazeera/Al Gore TV Launches Campaign to Promote Hamas

Do you know what America needs more of? News networks that support terrorists. And I don’t just mean terrorists who claim to be innocent or terrorists who claim to want to negotiate peace deals. I mean 100 percent unfiltered homicidal non-stop killing machine terrorists.
Do you know what America really needs? A news network that favors Hamas and Al Qaeda.
Although Al-Jazeera incites Muslim masses around the world to revolt against “repressive regimes,” while calling for “democracy,” “pluralism,” and the ousting of totalitarian rulers, Qatar itself does not hold elections, has no political parties, has no democratic institutions, and its citizens have no political or social rights. What Qatar does have, with the help of Sharia [Islamic religious law], is a strong, family-run system of enforcing internal security and suppressing opposition. Al-Jazeera is the well-oiled and well-funded machine of a family employing armed mercenaries who call themselves “media personnel”: Propaganda warriors who use cameras and microphones as weapons.
Recently Al-Jazeera seems to have decided to topple the Palestinian Authority [PA], and transfer to Hamas — Al-Qaeda’s ideological and practical brother-in-arms — the international recognition that the PA received from the UN in September, and to make Hamas sovereign in the West Bank as well as the Gaza Strip. To that end, it airs biased programs that are disproportionately favorable toward Hamas, and covers Hamas’s “achievements,” such as its “heroism” in firing rockets at Israeli civilians.
Al-Jazeera is now embarked on a campaign glorifying Hamas at the expense of the PA… It recently cast suspicion on the PA as having collaborated with Israel in “poisoning Arafat,” and broadcast a biased and exaggerated report of the alleged “tortures” inflicted on Hamas prisoners in PA jails, including claims of rape, threats toward female members of Hamas under interrogation and other horrors – all of which are meant to represent the “crimes” committed by the PA in collaboration with, and at the behest of, Israeli intelligence.
Other Al-Jazeera initiatives aimed at toppling the PA include spreading rumors of a third intifada, and encouraging Hamas in the West Bank to hold marches and carry cardboard models of Qassam rockets.
Now coming to America. Courtesy of Al Gore and Current TV.

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