miércoles, enero 30, 2013

A Toast to Larceny at Sloppy Joes Havana

Looking to further cash-in from foreign tourists and the Obama Administration's "people-to-people" travelers, the Castro regime is re-opening the famed "Sloppy Joe's" bar, which it had illegally confiscated from small business owners in 1965. 

"Sloppy Joe's" was founded in Havana nearly a century ago by a Galician immigrant. It was a favorite hangout of American tourists and demonized for this by the Castro regime.

But now, the Castro regime wants to profit from this illegally confiscated enterprise, which will be run by the state company, Habaguanex.

Surely, this location will become a staple for "people-to-people" travelers, whose stated purpose is to help promote the Cuban people's independence from the authorities -- yet, they stay at the Castro regime's hotels, dine at its restaurants and get drunk at its watering wholes (many of which were illegally confiscated).

Thus, the "people-to-people" travel policy also allows Castro to profit from stolen property.

Call it a toast to larceny.

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