domingo, diciembre 16, 2012

Obama's Vision for Cuba Turns a Blind Eye Towards History

Obama’s Vision for Cuba Turns a Blind Eye Towards History
During a recent trip to Key West, I was fortunate to snap a couple of pics of the old Cuban embassy that was recently restored after it was severely damaged in a fire several years back.  While appreciating the embassy’s historical value, I began to think about the extent of how much Cuba-U.S relations have suffered since the beginning of Fidel Castro’s repressive regime.
Today, the Cuban-American community in South Florida, once considered a solid Republican constituency has become more supportive of Democrats as greater numbers of younger Cuban-Americans seem to have forgotten the past and don’t regard today’s Cuban government in the same adversarial manner that their forebears continue to do.
These younger Cuban-Americans in question are two and three generations removed from their relatives who directly endured the physical and emotional pain inflicted by Fidel Castro’s Communist regime, so it is increasingly apparent that the younger generation’s support of Obama and other Democrats is the result of historical illiteracy and a lack of regard for their people’s sufferings more than anything else.
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