martes, diciembre 11, 2012

Obama Lawyers To Judge: Don't Watch Bin Laden Film

By Tom Fitton @ Breitbart

The Osama bin Laden raid film "Zero Dark Thirty" opens in limited release later this month. It has received favorable “buzz” and reportedly focuses on characters that seem based upon the very individuals at the CIA and Pentagon to whom the Obama administration gave access to filmmakers Kathryn Bigelow and Mark Boal. So why are Obama administration lawyers desperately trying to dissuade a federal judge from watching the film?

Why indeed.

Judicial Watch is suing the Obama administration to gain access to records detailing the cooperation between the Obama CIA, the Department of Defense (DOD) and the filmmakers regarding their bin Laden epic. Records we’ve already uncovered demonstrate that the Obama administration gave Bigelow and Boal unprecedented access to information about the raid and those involved.
Obama administration officials also admitted that if the information released to the filmmakers were to be publicly known, it would cause an “unnecessary security and counterintelligence risk.”

The government continues to stonewall the release of records that could shed more light on this “partnership,” and our investigation continues.

In our efforts to gain access to records related to "Zero Dark Thirty," Judicial Watch made an argument in a recent court brief that we believe should be common sense. In determining what information should be released, the court might actually want to review the film at the center of its lawsuit:

In light of the fact that much of the government’s argument hinges on the assertion that the individuals in question will have a continued privacy interest in their names after this film is released, a viewing of "Zero Dark Thirty" after its theatrical release on December 19, 2012 may ultimately be … illuminating.

Obama lawyers, however, are trying to dissuade the judge from actually watching the film. According to an Obama administration court filing last week: “…the CIA and DOD disagree with [Judicial Watch’s] implication that the Court needs to view the movie to decide this case ... The CIA and DOD therefore would oppose any additional attempts by plaintiff to extend the briefing of this case until the movie’s release.”

I should point out that limited release for the film is set for Dec. 19. Judicial Watch’s final brief is due on December 17. Any delay required for the court to review the film would be negligible. By the way, we first asked for these documents in August of last year, and had to sue in January of this year – months of delay. So the Obama administration’s new found concern about “delay” is laughable.


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