sábado, diciembre 01, 2012

Meet “Allah Morsi” Shariah Law Rules & pedophilia legalised in Egypt’s New Constitution

The Muslim Way/ Assad Elepty
Immediately after Mubarak was deposed, the prohibition barring the Muslim Brotherhood from participating in politics was lifted.
The Brotherhood immediately commenced there acts of deception, they dropped their decades old slogan “ISLAM IS THE SOLUTION” and formed the “FJP” freedom & Justice Party.
He may wear a suit but this rag head is going down
On face value it appeared a positive move, in reality it was a craft cunning act of deception, the Islamists definition of FREEDOM & JUSTICE is strictly limited to SHARIA laws. In essence, their stance is, “we only respect those freedoms and exercise Justice according to Shariah law” not “western style democracy of Freedom and Justice”.   (complete article below)
The recent “constitutional declaration” by Egyptian president Morsi has resulted in disgust and uproar in Egyptian society. The new president has put himself above the Law bestowing “ALLAH status upon himself”. Morsi has seized control of all three branches of the government: Executive, Legislative and Judicial, replicating dictators throughout history.
Egyptians reacted with outrage, the 2nd revolution has commenced with massive protests; hundreds of thousands filled major squares in Cairo and other cities. Leftist, liberal, and independent groups called for Friday protests to reject this so-called “constitutional declaration.”
Morsi has cornered himself, he asserts he does not respect the decisions of the Supreme Constitutional Court and has barred them from ruling on the validity of the constitutional panel. His dilemma is he now conveniently chooses to distrust and reject the current legal system of the country, opening the door for the people to likewise disregard the results of the elections which brought him to power, as they were declared by the very same legal system and courts.
In Alexandria On Saturday 1/12/2012 Morsi’s decision resulted in wide spread violence, Salafist youth and MB members attacked secular and liberal protestors in running street battles. Morsi has been roundly condemned; the Muslim Brotherhood offices across the nation have been raided and in many cases set on fire.
For the first time in Egyptian history, the judges of the Court of Appeals went on strike in defiance of the new dictatorial declaration.  Members of the Muslim Brotherhood have defended the president’s decision by resorting to a level of violence resulting in over 500 serious injuries and at least 4 people dead.
The election results that brought the MB president to power belies the reality that only 45% of eligible voters participated in the elections and most Egyptians are now turning against both Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood. More >>

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