jueves, diciembre 13, 2012

Is Castro Taking Aim at Cell Phones?

This month, the Castro regime was finally able to block -- for now -- Hablalo Sin Miedo (Speak Without Fear), a 911-type hotline that allows dissidents to call-in reports on arrests and abuses.

In a cat-and-mouse game, the regime had been chasing Hablalo Sin Miedo's numbers abroad for a long time and trying to block them on the island.

Now, Cuban state media has released the following:

"Commenting on the management report, officials from the Ministry of Informatics and Communications announced the reduction of the access to mobile phone services by the population."

This was part of a presentation to Castro's Parliament by the Minister of Informatics and Communications, Maimir Mesa, where he also stated that Internet access will remain restricted for the "collective benefit."

In other words, it will continue to be reserved for the regime.

This, despite the infamous fiber-optic cable between Cuba and Venezuela, which Cuba "experts" has originally lauded as transcendental and 
believed would surely have a some sort of "trickle down" effect.

They were wrong.

The cable is now a state-secret, which no one talks about, and for the regime's benefit only.

Apparently, foreign news bureaus in Havana, which usually waste no time reporting snippets from Castro's official media, missed this one.

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