sábado, diciembre 29, 2012

Hunger Striker Demands Immediate Release of Alan Gross & Eduardo Arocena

Gualdo Hidalgo-teresadovalpage.com
EINPresswire.com/ Gualdo Hidalgo, Latin Heritage Foundation Executive Director and former Cuban political prisoner, starts a hunger strike demanding from United States and Cuba governments the immediate release of Eduardo Arocena and Alan Gross.
Alan Phillip Gross is an American international development expert who was working in Cuba as a U.S. government subcontractor for the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) when he was arrested and ultimately convicted for acts against the independence or the territorial integrity of the state.
He was prosecuted in 2011 after being accused of crimes against the Cuban state. Gross alleges he was bringing satellite phones and computer equipment to members of Cuba's Jewish community. It was claimed Gross's objective involved setting up Cuban dissidents with satellite communication systems that would work through satellite phones and laptops. He is serving a 15-year prison sentence in Cuba.
Eduardo Arocena was convicted of serious crimes against federal laws of the United States through the use of violence, including the assassination of Cuban diplomat Felix Garcia Rodriguez. However, nearly thirty years in prison met by Eduardo Arocena, according to international standards of detention, including Cuba, are considered sufficient for the release of a convict. Since 1959, Cuba has imprisoned many of the anti-Castro fighters for acts considered by Cuba as terrorists with actions that caused death of civilians. Virtually all those convicted has been freed by Cuba after serving a prison term shorter than the one served by Eduardo Arocena.
The U.S. government should take into consideration the long prison terms served by Eduardo Arocena and order his release immediate.
Cuba's government should order the immediate release of Alan Gross for reunification with his wife, daughters and other family, while restoring his health problems.
The circumstances of the contemporary world should prevail in both governments, both of Washington such as Havana, and help alleviate the suffering of the prisoners and their families.
Gualdo Hidalgo, former Cuban political prisoner and Latin Heritage Foundation publisher, will keep the hunger strike until both governments agree to release Eduardo Arocena y Alan Gross.
Gualdo Hidalgo
Latin Heritage Foundation

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