lunes, diciembre 24, 2012

Cuba New Political Prisoners on Noche Buena

Yelky Puig and daughter
While you celebrate Noche Buena with your families tonight, please don't forget some of the Castro brother's newest political prisoners.

They were convicted in "sham" trials just this week and have been forcibly separated from their loved ones.

Yelky Puig Rodríguez, a lawyer with the opposition Corriente Agramontista, was handed a one-year prison sentence for "disrespect." Puig is an advocate for judicial independence and the rule of law in Cuba.

Ulises González Moreno, an independent labor activist, was handed a two-year sentence for "social dangerousness." In reality, he was imprisoned for refusing to serve as an informant for the secret police. Gonzalez is an advocate for worker's rights and freedom of association.

Our thoughts and prayers are with them and with the countless other Cuban political prisoners.

They are not forgotten.

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