sábado, diciembre 22, 2012

Chinese pharma companies accused of selling pills from DEAD BABIES

No, that is not a typo. A South Korean SBS TV documentary accused Chinese pharmaceutical companies in 2011 of selling "stamina pills" that contain ground up dead babies. The report claims that certain hospitals and abortion clinics sell baby corpses to the companies, who then use their bodies to grind up for their stamina pill ingredients. The team ran a DNA test, and found that the pills were 99.7 percent human. They were even able to tell the gender of the baby.

Babies Left to Die, Ground up into Pills

According to the documentary, Chinese hospitals and abortion clinics give stillborns and aborted babies to drug companies, but reports suggest that some of these remains even come from China's infamous "dying rooms." These are places in which babies are left intentionally to perish when families cannot—or, for the legal limit of having only one child lest a fee or even a physical beating be incurred by officials, will not—raise them. Chinese hospitals perform about 13 million abortions annually to keep its enormous population in check. http://www.prisonplanet.com/chinese-pharma-companies-accused-of-selling-pills...

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