jueves, diciembre 20, 2012

Russia and China Want to Help Obama Take Away American Guns

Outrageously, foreign governments are now chiming in to support the U.S. media bandwagon that is trying to undermine American's Constitutionally-protected 2nd Amendment rights.

The Communist Chinese government has now backed the disarming rhetoric of the globalist establishment in an article published by state-run media outlet Xinhua, advising that, "If Obama wants to take practical measures to control guns, he has to make preparation for a protracted war and considerable political cost."

Meanwhile, Russian media outlets including RT Moscow have reacted the Connecticut shooting by supporting calls for 'assault' weapon bans. Chiming in on the recent tragedy, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev stated, "I totally agree with those who are against free arms circulation. This is my principled position." Medvedev further vowed to uphold the existing Russian gun ban.

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